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22 products

Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar abricotEnergy compote organic vegan Mulebar apricot
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar châtaignePublicité compote énergétique vegan Mulebar chataîgne 65g
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar patate douce orange carotteEnergy compote organic vegan Mulebar sweet potato carrot orange
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar orange carotte citronEnergy compote organic vegan Mulebar orange carrot lemon
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar fraise groseille betteraveMulebar vegan and gluten free energy compote 65g / Strawberry Redcurrant Beetroot
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar ananas cocoEnergy compote organic vegan Mulebar pineapple coco
Compote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar bananeEnergy compote organic vegan Mulebar banana
Save €1,00
Pack decouverte 7 compotes energetiques Mulebar 65g Gamme 7 compotes énergétiques Mulebar 65g
Sale price€18,60 Regular price€19,60
Save €2,80
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar ananas cocoCompote énergétique Mulebar ananas coco
Sale price€25,20 Regular price€28,00
Save €2,80
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar châtaigneBox of 10 vegan energy compotes 65g / Chestnut
Sale price€25,20 Regular price€28,00
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar fraise groseille betteraveCompote énergétique Mulebar fraise groseille betterave
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar orange carotte citronCompote énergétique Mulebar orange carotte citron
Save €2,80
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar patate douce orange carotteCompote énergétique Mulebar patate douce orange carotte
Save €2,80
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar abricotCompote énergétique Mulebar abricot
Sale price€25,20 Regular price€28,00
Save €2,80
Boite de 10 compotes énergétiques Mulebar bananeCompote énergétique Mulebar banane
Sale price€25,20 Regular price€28,00
Save €0,30
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques bio et vegan Mulebar abricotCompote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar abricot 65g
Sale price€10,90 Regular price€11,20
Save €0,30
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques vegan Mulebar ananas cocoCompote énergétique vegan Mulebar ananas coco 65g
Sale price€10,90 Regular price€11,20
Save €0,30
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques bio et vegan Mulebar bananeCompote énergétique bio et vegan Mulebar banane 65g
Sale price€10,90 Regular price€11,20
Save €0,30
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques Mulebar Châtaigne 65gCompote énergétique Mulebar Châtaigne 65g
Sale price€10,90 Regular price€11,20
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques vegan Mulebar fraise groseille betteraveCompote énergétique vegan Mulebar fraise groseille betterave 65g
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques vegan Mulebar orange carotte citronCompote énergétique vegan Mulebar orange carotte citron 65g
Save €0,30
Lot de 4 compotes énergétiques vegan Mulebar patate douce orange carotteCompote énergétique vegan Mulebar patate douce orange cartte 65g
Sale price€10,90 Regular price€11,20

Energy compotes

Our vegan sports energy compotes (two of which are also organic), made in France, have the most natural recipes and with the highest percentage of fruit on the market: 45% fruit minimum. The rest is brown rice syrup only for a quick boost of energy, like an energy gel, but more fruity. These compotes give pride of place to fruits (apricot, banana, red fruits, etc.) and vegetables with recognized virtues (beetroot, sweet potato, carrot...). There is something for every taste ! New recipes and above all very tasty because in the performance equation, pleasure and mentality play a primordial role. Our energy compotes are packaged in flexible resealable bottles (or Gualapacks for specialists), which makes them very practical: take them everywhere and consume them in several takes according to your needs.

Energy compote is the ideal liquid sports nutrition product when nothing is going on during endurance races such as marathons, triathlons or trail runs.

The cap is easily resealable for consumption in several takes and so that the product does not leak once finished. No reason to litter them anywhere! Some dilute the compotes in a little water to make them even more liquid. In any case, it is better to drink a little water right after to wash away the sweet taste.

What is the difference between energy compotes and energy gels ?

An energy gel is made up of more or less water and sugars depending on the texture you want to give it (more or less liquid) and the calories you want it to contain. It looks more like a syrup. Moreover, our Mulebar energy gels are very easily diluted to create a drink or hydrogels.

An energy compote is a mixture of fruit puree and sugar. It will therefore be a little thicker but also more nourishing. Its appearance is closer to compote or jam without pieces.

Both products are used in the same way, a few minutes before the need for energy (climbing a mountain pass, to regain energy while running, etc.).

If with all this you are not convinced that we have created the best energy compotes in the world, try our energy gels, our energy bars or our energy or electrolytes drinks.