Which energy gels for running a marathon?
The season of endurance races on roads (10km, 20km, half-marathon and marathon) or in the mountains is starting again. Nutrition during the race is really crucial during physical effort, especially...
The benefits of brown rice syrup in sports nutrition
We have chosen to use organic brown rice syrup as the carbohydrate base for our ranges of Mulebar energy bars, protein bars, energy compotes and energy gels. The main role of carbohydrates in ...
What is the best energy gel for sport ?
The market for energy gels is very specific because it only concerns intense sports athletes, yet there are many nutrition brands offering them (High5, SIS, Powerbar, Maurten, Gu energy...). It's s...
It is no longer a secret to anyone that restrictive diets that prohibit a particular food or category of products are ineffective in the long term. Be careful not to confuse them with food rebalanc...
Discover our Mulebar energy compotes
Energy compotes, energy purees, energy pouches, energy fruit pulps... there are several names for this category of sports nutrition products created by Mulebar in 2016 and followed since by several...
Spirulina: a superfood for sports
Spirulina is part of the superfood category. It is renowned for being the food richest in proteins, vitamins and minerals, which makes it a very popular food supplement for athletes. It has gained ...