The benefits of brown rice syrup in sports nutrition

Sirop de riz brun

We have chosen to use organic brown rice syrup as the carbohydrate base for our ranges of Mulebar energy bars, protein bars, energy compotes and energy gels. The main role of carbohydrates in a sports nutrition product is to replenish glycogen stocks, the body's primary source of energy and a key factor in sports performance. In this article, we'll explain the importance of sugar and its dangers, as well as the benefits of brown rice syrup in sports nutrition, despite the fact that it is decried and even demonized.


How important is sugar for the human body ?

Sugar is essential for the body to function properly, but it is also its worst enemy if consumed in excess. Its main role is to supply the body and brain with energy. Sugar is also used to store energy and synthesize proteins.

There are two categories of sugar :

  • Complex carbohydrates, including fiber, starch and glycogen
  • Simple sugars, which only give food a sweet taste

The former are important for the functioning of the human body, the latter are accessory foods.

The WHO recommends that sugar should account for no more than 10% of our daily calorie intake. This means 25g a day. Ideally, we should aim for just 5%. Depending on the country, between 100 and 140 grams of sugar are consumed every day. This threshold is far exceeded, especially in developed countries. In 2017, each French person consumed an average of 35kg.


What are the different types of sugar ?

Most sugars are made up of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Fructose can only be broken down in the liver, where it is converted into fat. Glucose, on the other hand, can be broken down and used 100% by every cell in the human body.

One of the main reasons why sugar is harmful is its fructose content. Too much can be harmful to liver function, and it can also make digestion difficult and cause acid reflux. Intuitively, fructose has a positive connotation for most people, who think it comes from fruit full of vitamins, fiber and nutrients. Not so. While some fructose from fruit is good, too much can have disastrous effects on health. Sugar transformed into fat clogs the arteries, making cardiovascular accidents easier. White table sugar contains 50% fructose, so avoid it as much as possible.

Glucose is present in fruit, legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils) and starchy foods (flour, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.) and is not considered harmful to the body if consumed in reasonable quantities, of course.

There are also fake sugars, usually synthetic, also known as sweeteners. These are ultra-processed products used in slimming or weight-loss diet products. They're also less expensive, so they're a handy way to save on cost. Most sweeteners contain large quantities of fructose, and are known as "high fructose corn syrup" combined with glucose.


Sugar should be consumed in moderation

Sugar is the cause of many diseases. Diabetes, obesity, cirrhosis, risk of cardiovascular accidents. Liver, pancreas, brain, heart: the main organs of the human body are threatened by these excesses.

Sugar has a high calorie content, which makes you overweight. It can also become a real addiction. That's why it's essential to limit sugar consumption and take part in physical activity to burn it off.

What is brown rice syrup ?

Brown rice syrup is produced from the fermentation of rice grains and whole (or malted) barley. Rice starch is broken down by enzymes into three easily digestible sugars: maltotriose (52%), maltose (45%) and glucose (3%). Its main quality is that it contains no fructose. The ratio between the different types of sugar depends on the fermentation parameters (duration, temperature and enzyme type). The mixture is filtered and concentrated by evaporation of the water to obtain an amber-colored syrup with a honey-like consistency. Its mild flavor is reminiscent of caramel.

The different sugars are not assimilated at the same time: glucose is absorbed quickly, while maltose takes 30 to 90 minutes to digest. Maltotriose takes 2 to 3 hours to be fully digested. These different absorption rates provide constant energy over a long period. This is why it is used in sports and bodybuilding nutrition products.

Brown rice protein is often used for muscle building.


What are the nutritional values and Glycemic Index of brown rice syrup ?

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale from 1 to 100 that classifies carbohydrates according to their influence on blood glucose levels. At rest, our body constantly regulates blood glucose levels between 1 and 1.1 g/liter with the help of insulin (hypoglycemic) and glucagon (hyperglycemic). Brown rice syrup has a glycemic index of 98. This is much higher than sucrose, the table sugar with a GI of 60-70.

What are the benefits of brown rice syrup in sports nutrition ?

  • High in calories
  • Half the sweetening power of honey
  • Contains iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • A modest source of vitamin B
  • Gluten-free
  • It contains half of progressively assimilated complex carbohydrates
  • Contains no fructose

Brown rice syrup is therefore an interesting sugar for sports nutrition products. Its mix of fast- and slow-release sugars is perfectly suited to both training and competition.

Try our Mulebar energy gels, fruit compotes or energy bars, and you won't be disappointed. They've been among the best on the market since 2008. Since the creation of Mulebar, our DNA has been to choose only premium ingredients, all natural, to offer quality products with a texture and flavors that will cheer you up during your sporting activities.

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