The benefits of antioxidant energy gels for sports

Gel énergétique antioxydant Mulebar cerise dans un cerisier

Many sports nutrition brands highlight the presence of antioxidants in their ingredients or the antioxidant function of some of their products. Let's see what these antioxidants are. How are they produced by the body and in what circumstances? What foods are naturally rich in antioxidants? Why do athletes need them more during physical activity? What are the benefits of an antioxidant gel for sports?

What are antioxidants used for?

Antioxidants are found in vitamins C, E, A, omega 3, zinc, potassium, BCAA's and many other lesser-known micronutrients that occur naturally in our bodies and in the foods we eat. They play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals , damaging compounds that are produced when our muscle cells consume oxygen from the blood.

These radicals attack and destroy our cells, this is called “ oxidative stress ”. Oxidative stress occurs when the body cannot effectively remove free radicals. This can lead to damage to the DNA, proteins and lipids in our cells, which in turn can contribute to cramps, fatigue, premature aging and many chronic diseases.



explanatory diagram of oxidative stress in a cell



The body then organizes its defense by producing antioxidants. They play a key role in strengthening the immune system, thus contributing to the prevention of infections and diseases.

Where are antioxidants found?

Antioxidants are generally found in abundance in fruits and vegetables.

This is why the National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS) recommends “eating 5 fruits and vegetables per day”. Here are the main ones:

  • ß-carotene (provitamin A) is found mainly in brightly colored, orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, red peppers or mangoes.

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is present in oranges, blackcurrants, strawberries and also in very large quantities in red peppers.

  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) is very present in wheat germ, olive oil, sunflower oil, walnuts, almonds, avocado and egg yolk!

  • Polyphenols and lycopene include flavonoids (widespread among plants), tannins (in cocoa, coffee, tea, grapes, etc.), anthocyanins (especially in red fruits) and phenolic acids (in cereals, fruits and vegetables).

Our bodies produce α-lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, from cysteine, an amino acid found in brewer's yeast, wheat germ, garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, dairy products, nuts, seeds, seafood, fish, eggs, and meat.

Animal proteins (meat and fish) also contain antioxidants

However, it should be noted that the antioxidant content of these protein sources is considerably lower than that of fruits and vegetables.

When it comes to meat, liver is a good example. Beef liver, for example, contains a high amount of vitamins A and C, as well as copper. Fatty meats like beef and lamb are also sources of Coenzyme Q10, a powerful antioxidant.

Fish, especially oily fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel and herring, are also a good source of antioxidants. These fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The best way to get a variety of antioxidants is to eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.

Herbs and spices have the greatest antioxidant properties

Cloves, cinnamon, turmeric, cocoa, ginger, curry, black pepper, thyme and oregano are the most concentrated!

What is the antioxidant power of foods?

The "antioxidant power" of a food is its ability to neutralize free radicals. To measure the antioxidant power of a food, we use the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Index. The higher the ORAC index of a food, the stronger its antioxidant capacity. Very useful for prioritizing the richest foods.


ORAC index table for major foods

How are antioxidants important for athletes?

The body is put under a lot of strain during sustained training or competition: repeated muscle contractions, inflammation of tendons, tissues and joints, production of CO2 and lactic acid… All this stress creates an increased risk of injury, fatigue and poor recovery. Antioxidants are the solution!

The external supply of antioxidants in the form of an energy gel, for example, is necessary when the effort is intense because oxygen consumption increases. The more the body ventilates oxygen, the more it produces free radicals, the more it will need antioxidants to neutralize them. This is the case for endurance sports in general and marathons, trail running, cycling and triathlons in particular.

Antioxidants protect athletes in the following areas:

  • Reduction of inflammation of muscle tissue and joints
  • Limiting the risk of injury through better recovery
  • Reduction of the body's acidity (acid reflux) by bringing the pH back to a normal level as close as possible to 7.

Focus on Mulebar antioxidant gels

The Mulebar energy gel range has 5 flavors, two of which are antioxidants. Their very fluid texture allows for rapid assimilation by the body and an effect within 5 to 10 minutes of absorption.

Our Mulebar antioxidant gels have been specially designed to support muscle activity during training and racing. With 114Kcal per 37g tube, they will provide you with all the muscle energy you need for your sports activities. Made from 100% natural ingredients, they contain no preservatives or colorants. So there is no risk of having gastric problems during exercise.

Their liquid texture allows easy absorption, especially during exercise when the mouth is very dry. However, it is advisable to consume them in several times (this is possible with their resealable caps) and to drink water immediately afterwards to remove the sugar from the mouth.

Please note that our Mulebar gels are soluble in water at a rate of one tube for 500ml. This is much more practical than powder to make your energy drink.

These gels are vegan certified (except the salted caramel) and do not contain gluten (except the coffee gel).

It is recommended to consume them in 2 or 3 times at a rate of one dose every 15 minutes. It's a good thing the tube cap is really easy to reseal, it's the only one on the market! And once finished, it doesn't leak.

Mulebar cherry antioxidant energy gel tube and eco-refill bottle

Mulebar cherry antioxidant energy gelMulebar cherry energy gel eco refill bottle

Our 5 energy gel eco-refill bottles (one per flavor) allow you to refill the energy gel tubes once rinsed with hot water. A good way to reduce the use of single-use plastic. We also offer Silicone vials, resealable with an anti-drip valve.

  • A 60ml silicone vial containing the equivalent of 2 tubes of 37g gel.
  • At the request of large consumers, we have developed a 150ml soft flask (i.e. 6 tubes of gel) to carry more quantities with you without disposable plastic.

These vials are washable and reusable hundreds of times. An eco-refill contains 12 doses of gels or enough to make 6 liters of diluted drink. It costs 36% less than 12 tubes of gels purchased individually. Saving money while doing good for the planet is pretty rare, right?

Ingredients :

Brown rice syrup, agave syrup, cherry juice concentrate, Himalayan pink salt crystals.

  • Brown rice syrup with its high glycemic index provides the immediate energy sought in a gel.
  • Agave syrup provides natural fructose with its low glycemic index (15)
  • Cherry juice , rich in vitamins and minerals, improves recovery because it increases antioxidant capacity and reduces inflammation and lipid peroxidation. This contributes to better muscle recovery following sports activity.
  • Himalayan pink salt is very rich in trace elements, especially iron, which allows good blood regeneration and improves circulation. It helps to have healthy lungs and improve respiratory functions. It helps to restore blood pH (acid-base balance). It acts on gastric reflux problems.

Nutritional values ​​:

nutritional values of mulebar cherry antioxidant energy gel

Mulebar apple antioxidant energy gel tube and eco-refill bottle

Mulebar apple antioxidant energy gel tube
Mulebar apple antioxidant energy gel eco refill bottle


Ingredients :

Brown rice syrup, agave syrup, apple juice concentrate, cinnamon, Himalayan pink salt crystals.

  • Brown rice syrup with its high glycemic index provides the immediate energy sought in a gel.
  • Agave syrup provides natural fructose with its low glycemic index (15)
  • Apple juice is rich in antioxidants (mainly quercetin and polyphenols which help fight cardiovascular diseases and reduce blood cholesterol levels). It also contains a large number of vitamins: A, B1 and B2, C and PP. These are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, the nervous system and energy production. Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, normal muscle function and the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and to reducing tiredness and fatigue. In addition, it contributes to normal collagen formation, to ensure the normal function of teeth, bones, cartilage, blood vessels and skin.
  • Cinnamon mainly has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is mainly used to stimulate the immune system, relieve digestive problems and naturally treat type 2 diabetes.
  • Himalayan pink salt is very rich in trace elements, especially iron, which allows good blood regeneration and improves circulation. It helps to have healthy lungs and improve respiratory functions. It helps to restore blood pH (acid-base balance). It acts on gastric reflux problems.

Nutritional values ​​:

Nutritional values of Mulebar apple antioxidant energy gel


In conclusion, a diet rich in antioxidants is essential to maintain good health and optimize athletic performance. To optimize your intake of antioxidants, it is recommended to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices in your daily diet. Supplementing with antioxidant energy gels is a plus in case of sustained sports activity.

Mulebar Sports Nutrition Product Information:

Unit price: €2.60 incl. tax for the 37g energy gel and €1.66 incl. tax per portion if purchased in a 444g eco-refill at the price of €20 incl. tax

Gels also available in packs of 5 or boxes of 24 with a 10% discount in cherry, apple, lemon ginger, salted caramel and coffee flavors.

To mix flavors, vary your desires and stock up, we offer a 10 gels discovery pack (2 of each flavor) and a mixed box of 24 gels.

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Delivery within 4 to 5 working days and free delivery costs from 100€ of purchase in Europe.

No preservatives, no colouring, no palm oil, vegan (except the caramel gel). Our energy gels are not organic. They do not contain gluten except the coffee gel.

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